RS Belgrade – Metal / Alternative


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1.Can i get a backstory on the band/ band biography?

Well, first there was a group called CANNOT, we have played alternative music with mixture of all kinds of genres. In one moment, our girl-singer and rhythm guitarist Ana have left Serbia and went to Norway. I can say that this group is still alive, but if I can say it is on ice (check CANNOT here: . The leftovers chose to move forward with few different projects and one of them was STVOR, where Voja, the drummer from CANNOT, will sing, Aca plays bass and me (Uros) play guitar. We have done a research for a drummer and Bane comes as a good choice. As Cannot was more Alternative band, 3 of us always have head affinity to metal music so STVOR was a weapon of our choice. As there was a lot of inspiration, we have managed to create 16 songs in less than a year and we are very proud of the quality of these songs. First single that we have recorded was a song Kurac (Dick) and we made a video for it also. This song is about drawing dick on a voting paper and we published it just before elections in our country – we must say what we think about all kind of authorities that makes a ruling class without knowledge and strength. The song was totally controversial but accepted well on metal scene and in global (check the song Kurac here: We are moving forward with new singles, videos and other materials toward the first ep or album, we will see.

2. What lyrical theme do you guys use in your music?

What message do you want to send? As you can see in the answer for first question, first song that we have released was political but we do not support any kind of political parties as we are basically anarchists so it was a critic of the authority systems on all levels: religion, politics, society. Majority of our songs are not driven by political motives, they are more about personal experiences described in a very dark way. It is kind of interesting thing that most of our lyrics are written before Stvor even exists by Voja, our singer. For instance, Biser, our new single is about a person that have died in a terrible way and was very close to Voja.

3. How have the gigs you guys been doing been?

Until now band have around 40+ gigs in Serbia and was well received by the audience making a lot of people speaking of a band as a grate live performers. Listeners of live gigs sometimes say that in some parts it sounds like we have to bass guitars and in other parts like there are two guitars. For us, gigs are very important and we really enjoy them as that is the best way to show our energy in a right way.

4. What equipment do you guys use?

Well, we have collected equipment for a long time, piece by piece. Now we can say that we have what we always needed but as you probably know, we are geeks for music equipment as lot of our colleges are so the searc and collecting continues. Uros (me) uses Yamaha guitar, old and very rare model SF1200, Engle Power ball amp and Genz Benz cabinet and a lot of guitar pedals (maybe in next interview I can speak more about pedals) Aca (bass) uses Fender Jazz Bas, Ampeg amp head and Trace Elliot cabinet and lot of bass guitar pedals. Bane (drum) plays Mapex drams and Istanbul Cymbals. Voja uses shure microphones.

5. What bands have influenced your band and its sound?

All 4 of us listen a lot of music and a lot of different music. I cannot say that we are strict metal heads as we listen punk, alternative, rock, jazz…But for Stvor, we have idea to make some kind of feeling similar to the bends of ’90 as, for us, that was golden age of music. From my opinion that period was good because musicians mixed different genres and have more opened mind to different approaches so the music was more interesting and innovative in a good way. We, as a band and crew, never liked to stay in one genre, so it would be the same with STVOR. We like to call it groove metal, but there is a lot more if you listen carefully. It is very hard to say few influences, but maybe I can say that the energy is something between Deftones and Lamb of God.

6. Do you remember your first show and what was it like?

Yes we do, it was not so far ago. I t was crazy good for a first gig. People didn’t believed that we have existed for a 3 months in that point of time. It was in Belgrade in club Fest.

7. What made you guys decide to form a band?

We are passionate musicians for a long time so it was not hard decision But STVOR was our way to express our love for metal music in a way that we feel it. Also, we think that we have good expression of metal so we thought that it must be heard by a larger audiences.

8. What is your opinion on sites posting your guys material and other bands material?

They are doing a lot of help to us. Today, band can reach a lot of people by itself but metal magazines and sites are the main point for larger audiences and metal heads so we are grateful for opportunity to be published by them.

9.Is there any bands that you guys enjoyed playing with more than the others?

We really enjoy to hear all kinds of different music and we do prefer to play with bands that are from all kinds of music genres as long as they are in same spectrum as our music. We cannot say that there is any band that we would mark off. All bands was really good!

10. How do you guys feel about the classifications in metal? like deathcore, metalcore and other subgenres and how some get a negative rep.

That is a little bit foolish but in some ways necessary as people like to make classifications. As long as those classifications make life easier they are ok, but if one has to argue about it, it gets stupid. Music cannot be classified, it is just a way of expression and we like to work that way. For us, there are no boundaries about genre, we will do whatever we feel is right and we like it.

11. What song do you enjoy playing the most?

We have a lot of songs that are not yet heard, but we can say that we really do enjoy playing Biser.

12. When not doing things with the band, what can you guys be seen doing?

I (Uros) am programmer, Aca is an engineer, Bane is a driver and Voja works in call center. So we are doing a lot of things that we must as we cannot live of our music in our country and that is case with even larger band then us.

13. Your biggest band moment?

Creation and realizing our dream of a metal band that have ’90 vibe. Also, every gig and new friendship and moments when we make our videos. That are grate and funny moments.

14. What is your opinion on the current state of metal?

Well, I think that it gets capsulated a little bit in predictable expressions. Musicians should open their minds and do not afraid to do different and unexpected things in metal. But in general, the scene explodes in a good way and there are a lot of grate bands that must be heard.

15. How did you guys come up with your band name?

Well, our band name is STVOR as you know, and in English that means creature. For us, it is representation of life creation, human, animal…. with all it’s positive and negative, sometimes dark and morbid ways and attitudes.

16. What can the fans expect to see from you in the future?

A lot of things! We are now deciding if we are going to continue with singles and videos until the album or maybe we will record an ep with 5-6 songs very soon. Follow us, we really have a lot of great songs waiting to be released. Thank you for this interview and stay metal FaceBook: BandCamp: ReverbNation: Videos: Biser: Kurac: