//english version below//
Vom 5. bis 7. September 2024 findet Wiens Club- und Showcase-Festival Waves zum dreizehnten Mal statt. Zahlreiche Bühnen werden drei Tage lang von neuen Talenten und bereits etablierten Acts bespielt.
Waves Festival is the city's first club- and showcase festival. In late summer Vienna's most significant clubs and the public space will merge into the site of the Waves Festival.
More info: http://www.wavesvienna.com
After Movie 2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRDMaK-MoPc&ab_channel=WavesVienna
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wavesvienna/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wavesvienna/
The package for performing acts includes:
Artist fee: € 300 (no artist tax applies)
Hotel: travelling party on show day
Catering: travelling party on show day
Pro Pass: each travelling party*
Backline: basic at venue (Drum kit, bass amp, guitar amp)
Travel costs: none
*In addition to the fee, the artist/band will receive Pro Pass worth each 125€. With a Pro Pass you have access to the festival and the entire conference. The conference part includes panels with national and international professionals, receptions, speed meetings, delegates tour through Vienna (capacity limited!).
//english version below//
Vom 5. bis 7. September 2024 findet Wiens Club- und Showcase-Festival Waves zum dreizehnten Mal statt. Zahlreiche Bühnen werden drei Tage lang von neuen Talenten und bereits etablierten Acts bespielt.
Waves Festival is the city's first club- and showcase festival. In late summer Vienna's most significant clubs and the public space will merge into the site of the Waves Festival.
More info: http://www.wavesvienna.com
After Movie 2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRDMaK-MoPc&ab_channel=WavesVienna
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wavesvienna/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/w...