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City of Memphis Official Song Contest: Uniting Voices to Tackle Mental Health Stigma

Are you ready to take the stage and make a difference? The City of Memphis, in partnership with gigmit for the fourth incredible year, proudly announces the "Road to Memphis" Song Contest! We've witnessed astounding talents grace our stage in the past, and this year, we're amplifying our mission to tackle the stigma surrounding mental health through the power of music.

Music is not just a melody; it's a lifeline. It has the incredible potential to transform lives, inspire hope, and break down the barriers of mental health stigma. At TUFF (Tackling Unseen Feelings & Fears), our mission is to promote positive mental health through the harmonious language of music.

We believe in the transformative power of music to reduce suffering. Countless studies have shown that music can be a refuge, lowering stress, and anxiety, and elevating feelings of serenity and tranquility. Whether it's the soothing embrace of classical compositions or the electrifying energy of rock 'n' roll, music has the capacity to heal.

Music is not just a solitary pursuit; it's a communal experience. It fosters connections and dissolves the walls of isolation. Through group participation, whether singing, strumming, or sharing the rhythm of our hearts, we've witnessed music's profound impact on mental health. It's a universal language that speaks to us all.

We invite all aspiring artists, creators, and visionaries to contribute their unique voices to our cause. Together, we'll amplify the message of mental health awareness and the importance of breaking down stigmas.

The 2022 finalists, including Sean Kennedy, Edi Callier, Skinny Living, Ammon & Liahona Olayan, Charles Cleyn, Alex Boyé, Neeve Zahra, Twayn, Jennifer Sanon, Liz Beatty & Nate Strasser, and Abi Muir, paved the way, and now it's your turn to shine!

To ensure a fair and transparent contest, please review the official terms and conditions here .

Let your music be the beacon of change, the melody of hope, and the anthem of unity. Join us on the "Road to Memphis" and let's create a harmonious world where mental health is understood, embraced, and celebrated through the magic of music.


City of Memphis Official Song Contest: Uniting Voices to Tackle Mental Health Stigma

Are you ready to take the stage and make a difference? The City of Memphis, in partnership with gigmit for the fourth incredible year, proudly announces the "Road to Memphis" Song Contest! We've witnessed astounding talents grace our stage in the past, and this year, we're amplifying our mission to tackle the stigma surrounding mental health through the power of music.

Music is not just a melody; it's a lifeline. It has the incredible potential to transform lives, inspire hope, and break down the barriers of mental health stigma. At TUFF...

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