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Über die Veranstaltung

The gigmit team is glad to invite ALL gigmit PRO users to join our new Bootcamp to help you make the most of your membership!

Here is PHASE 1 of your onboarding journey!

What you can get:

You will learn how to set up your artist profile to a professional standard that will make you stand out in the eyes of promoters.
You will have the opportunity to learn industry best practices that apply to gigmit and the music industry in general.

Each phase of the bootcamp will be ending with an exclusive Zoom call with a member of the gigmit team, where you will have the chance to review your artist page and ask questions.

To make the most out of your PRO subscription we strongly recommend taking part in this first step towards your professional career as a touring live act on gigmit.

Looking forward to e-meeting you soon!

Conditions: in order to take part, you will have to have subscribed for a gigmit PRO membership. Simply apply to this gig and we will guide you through the process.

The gigmit team is glad to invite ALL gigmit PRO users to join our new Bootcamp to help you make the most of your membership!

Here is PHASE 1 of your onboarding journey!

What you can get:

You will learn how to set up your artist profile to a professional standard that will make you stand out in the eyes of promoters.
You will have the opportunity to learn industry best practices that apply to gigmit and the music industry in general.

Each phase of the bootcamp will be ending with an exclusive Zoom call with a member of the gigmit team, where you will have the chance to review your artist page and ask ques...

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