Tema looming kätkeb endas poeetilist hiphopi ning spoken word'i, melanhoolset temaatikat, vahetute emotsioonide peegeldamist ja püüdlust ilu suunas. 2018. aasta 25. septembril ilmus plaadifirma TIKS Rekords alt artisti kolmas täispikk album "unerohi", eelnevalt on ta iseseisvalt avaldanud plaadid "uinak" ja "äratuskell". Hetkel töötab autor koos hiljuti väljakujunenud saatebändiga uue materjali kallal, millest singlid "Tinnitus" ja "Ilusti" juba kättesaadavad on.
EiK is a Estonian poet and musician, whose first verses got on paper when he was about 6 years old, while his musical career started in the July of 2014. His works consist of poetic hip hop and spoken word, melancholic themes, mirroring immediate emotions and capturing the beauty in everything. On the 25th of September 2018 he released his third full-length album called “unerohi” (“Sleeping pill”) on Estonian record label TIKS Rekords, previously has he released independent albums “uinak” (“Nap”) and “äratuskell” (“Alarm Clock”). At the moment, the artist is working on new material together with his freshly combined live band.