AT Wien – Electronic / Jazz / Techno / Rock / Hip Hop


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Unplugged Nein
Coverband Nein
Mitglieder 4
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Wachstum der letzten 28 Tagen
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Label / Release Format Jahr
Ab67616d0000b2734da608cad3b912310ea048a8 Skin Single 2020
Ab67616d0000b2738cbc39c3c721901e3c1c8ff3 Drahthaus Album 2020
Ab67616d0000b273b93407147f192b495ccb1c7f DeConstruct Single 2019
Ab67616d0000b273cdf005758aac6cf963a79208 Unsquare (Video Edit) Single 2019
Ab67616d0000b27392739788879356dadd5ce0c9 Rite Single 2019
Ab67616d0000b27365a9357f8368acbc36adc7d3 ROOM ONE Single 2017
Edit-artist-releases-release-placeholder ROOM ONE EP 2017
Keine Agentur
Drahthaus Kollektiv
Hans Zoderer
Founded in 2015, the Drahthaus Kollektiv is an association of various creative people living in Vienna (musicians*, artists*, designers*, filmmakers*, technicians*, programmers*, craftsmen*, organisers*) with the vision of questioning existing structures and creating space for future innovation.

The collective sees itself as an organization that aims to wire and rewire the abilities, interests, ideas and approaches of its members, followers and sympathisers to all sorts of constellations in order to deliver innovative output in the fields of art, technology, media and society.
The beginning of all and still the heart of the collective is the band Drahthaus, in which four musicians perform live electronic music with around 20 acoustic and digital instruments, everyday objects and effect devices. Both in music and in other products of the collective, the will to overcome boundaries and to create new tangible spaces is crucial. Technology is metaphorically the extension of the human arm, through which, among other things, they are able to penetrate into these new spaces.

There were and still are many approaches to locate electronic music production in public space. The Drahthaus Kollektiv wants to bring a new, radical, strictly participative approach into play: to thematize the process of the emergence of music. Usually this exact theme is left out, then a "finished" substrate is presented on stage, which is ready for (mostly purely hedonistic) consumption.
The much more substantial and exciting process of applied creativity usually only takes place behind closed doors in studios, workspaces and rehearsal rooms. Drahthaus want them to be open. Admittedly, this means that we are also - deliberately and intentionally - leaving the field of pure music production.
Drahthaus as an open, in its theoretical basis very well thought-out, indeed almost rhizomic* collective of the most diverse experts (not just in the field of music), wants to dedicate its own festival to the processuality: processes of everyday life, processes of social development, processes and value chains, who are behind products, creative processes ... (*i.e. following the theories of the philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, who are highly esteemed in the field of art and culture)
Too theory-heavy? No, if one brings into play factors such as desire, curiosity, expertise and artistic networking. And if one misses the anarchic space of art with systematic analytical questions.