After forming initially in 2008 as a "[mal]function" band that would go and play drunken folk songs at parties in exchange for some booze, The Lagan became something of an urban myth: a potentially great band that was only held back by the fact that they didn't rehearse, and didn't have any songs, and didn't play any shows. But following a drunken trip to the USA in 2009 (see "Sunny Day In Southie" on our debut album for a detailed account of that particular trip) where they saw London's own Biblecode Sundays perform in a Boston bar, it became clear what had to be done. And so, friends who could play instruments were dragged out of the local boozer in Kingston-Upon-Thames and assembled to form a mighty racket and overall, to have fun.
In 2013, The Lagan released their debut album "Where's Your Messiah Now?" on Banquet Records, and embarked on epic tours across the land, and since 2014 The Lagan have explored lands beyond the land as well - All the while having fun, and usually, quite drunk indeed.