Science in the House
GB Manchester – Progressive House / Techhouse / House / Techno / Progressive Techno
Science in the House


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Edit-artist-releases-release-placeholder Science in the House @ MSF Mixtape 2017
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Science in the House is a brand new unique audiovisual project, and we’re very excited about it.

We’re Rob Appleby (DJ/Physicist, Saturo Sounds) and James Russell (VJ/Animator, former Micron resident) and we perform together with a mix of house music and live mixed visuals. ​In essence Science in the House in a fusion of music, art and science​. The 3D animated visuals have been created from scratch and are inspired by particle physics and the Higgs Boson. Rob, as well as the DJ, is a particle physicist, giving authenticity to the performance. Musically ​Science in the House ​follows progressive house and progressive techno directions, with long mixes and building vibe in tandem with the synced visuals. We launched Science in the House in October 2017, and have already performed at the prestigious Manchester Science Festival 2017 Launch Party and at Gamelab at MediaCityUK with​ ​amazing​ ​feedback​ ​so​ ​far.

We'd​ ​love​ ​to​ ​come​ ​and​ ​play​ ​for​ ​you!

Science in the House, as well as a house music performance, can be reimagined in novel and exciting ways. We can perform in a dance tent or a nightclub and combine these performances with linked science and interactive events. We are also working on expanding our concept with immersive technologies and are open to potential collaboration​ ​on​ ​new​ ​event​ ​forms.