Unplugged | No |
Cover band | No |
Members | 1 |
Jun / 2015 | • | BBU | Berlin/tba | |||
Aug / 2014 | • | from the cosy parlour to the outer space | Berlin. Freilichtbühne Weißensee | |||
Aug / 2014 | • | Ashalt Songs | Berlin, Oberbaumbrücke | |||
Aug / 2014 | • | Asphalt Songs | Berlin, RAW Tempel | |||
Jul / 2014 | • | from the cosy parlour to the outer space | Berlin, Mein Haus am See | |||
May / 2014 | • | deer of the year | Berlin, Rehberge, Open Air |
In Berlin the different characters met one another & instantly got an approach to their common music-galaxy.
They call their together written songs subversive popmusic, where many music styles are intermixing.
At ruby&'s sounds are dancing, noise-walls may encounter lost tones. Collages may mutate into hymns.
The ledger shapes the distinctive voice of Ruby Carbon.
They like plenty stuff except boredom.
Die Protagonisten des subversiven Popmusikduos ruby& sind die unkonventionelle Sängerin und Pianistin mit charismatischer Ausdruckskraft Ruby Carbon & rein rubine, der digitale & analoge Musikapparatewelten zusammen führt.
In Berlin trafen die beiden unterschiedlichen Charaktere aufeinander & fanden sofort Zugang zu einer eigenen Musikgalaxie. Ihre gemeinsam geschriebenen Songs bezeichnen sie als subversiven Pop in dem sich viele Stile vermischen. Bei ruby& tanzen Geräusche, können Krachwände auf verlorene Töne treffen. Sich Collagen zu Hymnen wandeln. Den Fixpunkt bildet die unverkennbare Stimme. Sie mögen vieles nur keine Langeweile.
The two characters of ruby& found together from their different planets to create a new mixture of rein rubine`s electronic pop & the fragile singer/ songwriter arrangements of Ruby Carbone which are carried by her manifold voice.
The duo played & wrote music in former projects & bands. rein went into music within recording on tapes while he was working in a music studio. He learned all about electronic equipment while using everything what makes a sound that he could lay his hands on. He was a member of kollaborea, The Sick Maries & schoolgirl where he composed the music in his experimental soundlab that he developed through the years. He & his girls played a lot of concerts & they did some music videos together.
Ruby started singing at an early age, wrote lyrics & short stories in her teens till now. Meanwhile she formed a good friendship with the piano & composes songs since more then 15 years. Before she wrote her songs on the piano she was the founder & member of Aura Navarre where she worked with different guys on electronic music & also hand made arrangements. In the last years she got more into the piano & played solo-shows & at festivals as Andrea Kermiser.
Two ways into music merge to subversive pop - ruby&. Now they're on the road!