SI Ljubljana – A cappella / Vocal House / Pop / Vocal Jazz


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Cover band Yes
Members 5
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ENG: Bassless is an a capella group based in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The group exists since April 2013 and performs covers of a wide spectrum of genres: pop, rock, disco, dance, funk, jazz, blues, and their own music. Their distinctive musical expression, that many times includes interesting fractions of popular and rythmic techno music, is often spiced up with elements of melancholic jazz and thus also pleases the more sharpened ears of musical gourmets . They re-arrange the chosen songs in their non-classic way, however, sometimes they surprise with a classic a capella arrangement. The versatility of their repertoire thus offers a choice of a musical background for a student party or a wedding reception. Their stage performance is based on organic body movement on which they build complex choreographic segments that additionally strengthen their stage presence. They make sure the audience experiences the right amount of technical perfection, professionalism and relaxed humour, through which shine their individual personalities and charisma. They are the breath of fresh wind that airs the music scene and makes it funky and modern, which is also one of the main goals of this »crazy« group.
Bassless je a capella skupina iz Ljubljane, ki deluje od aprila 2013. Izvajajo priredbe širokega spektra žanrov: pop, rock, disco, dance, funk, jazz, blues, ter lastno avtorsko glasbo. Izrazit in prepoznaven glasbeni izraz, ki velikokrat vsebuje zanimive vložke popularne komercialne in ritmične techno glasbe, začinijo z elementi melanholičnega jazza in s tem zadovoljijo pe tako izostreno uho glasbenih sladokuscev. Izbrane skladbe največkrat odenejo v svojo neklasično preobleko, tu in tam pa vendarle presenetijo s klasičnim a capella aranžmajem. Raznolikost njihovega repertoarja torej ponuja glasbeno podlago tako za oder študentskega žura, kot tudi poročne slovesnosti. Njihov odrski nastop bazira na organskem gibu, na katerem gradijo vedno bolj zapletene koreografske segmente, ki še dodatno okrepijo njihovo odrsko prezenco. Poskrbijo za pravo mero tehnične dovršenosti, profesionalizma in sproščene šaljivosti, skozi katero zasije osebnost in karizma vsakega člana posebej. S svojo drugačnostjo kot sveža sapica vetrijo slovensko a capella sceno in vanjo vnašajo sproščenost in modernost, kar je tudi eden glavnih ciljev te »odštekane« skupine.