Kulturpalast Linden
No more applications possible
Looking For
All genres
Artist Type
Live Acts
Local acts only
Door deal with max. deal fee of 605.52 €
Travel Expenses
Not negotiable
Not negotiable
Equipment provided
Sound Engineer
About the event

You will need to find a local support for this show. If you do not find a local support, the date will be canceled. This needs to be done as soon as possible. If necessary, gigmit can assist you in this.

18:00 get in
20.00 doors open
20.45 showtime
22:00/24:00 curfew

As usual, do not contact the venue with direct requests; doing so will disqualify you from the series.
Please do not schedule shows six weeks before or after this booking in the same city.

Bitte bewerbt euch aber nicht wenn ihr schon sechs Wochen davor oder danach einen Termin in der gleichen Stadt habt.
Kontaktiert die Veranstalter bitte nicht direkt. Trittbrettfahrer werden von der Veranstaltungsreihe ausgeschlossen.

You will need to find a local support for this show. If you do not find a local support, the date will be canceled. This needs to be done as soon as possible. If necessary, gigmit can assist you in this.

18:00 get in
20.00 doors open
20.45 showtime
22:00/24:00 curfew

As usual, do not contact the venue with direct requests; doing so will disqualify you from the series.
Please do not schedule shows six weeks before or after this booking in the same city.

Bitte bewerbt euch aber nicht wenn ihr schon sechs Wochen davor oder danach einen Termin in der gleichen Stadt habt.
Kontaktiert die Veranstalter bitte nicht direk...

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