AT Wien – Electro Jazz / Techno / Organic Electronic Music / Nu-Disco / Electropop


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trytofollowyou productions
Edit-artist-releases-release-placeholder Discotuner Single 2012
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Ein Musikprojekt , dass dem neu formulierten Genre des „Discotheaters“ entspringt.

Das ambitionierte Electro Projekt “Discotuner” verbindet scharfe 80iger Beats mit Operngesang und Jazz-Tunes.
Discotuner & Discogirl heizen das Publikum mit Titeln wie “Bobo- Shaker-Dance”, “Turn me on”, “Strohm” und anderen Hits auf.
Diesen Tunes hält keine Disco so leicht Stand!!!
Aber auch als Mitternachtseinlage auf Partys, Geburtstagen und sonstigen Feiern/Partys sorgt Discotuner dafür, dass die Stimmung nicht in den Keller rutscht.

BEST being musician

To a be a musician ist just a great feeling, to wake up, every day and know, that you work with your creativity, with your talents and not lose time with doing mechanical daily office work.
Although we of course have to do our daily stuff fand still I honor and respect all those humans who „just“ work for their company our for their family. I don’t want to blame those humans, who do their daily business.
But for me, there is more in live, i try to find out, by doing music.

WORST part

The problem of being a musician is, that you can not start with being a musician 100% of your time.
I have experienced, that we have to do compromises. We have to do other stuff to get our head free.
But if their is to much stuff around, the place for music shrinks.
Cercle vicieux, how we say, right?
We need to earn money, so to sell your music is a difficult challenge. One has to be somehow egoist, egocentric on the one hand, on the other you need to love people an not every fan and contact you have around you is pushing you forward.
The maybe block you down. That is something that happens to me all the time. And it is very embarrassing.


We perform live with Piano and Voice, Saxophon and backing Track electronics.
We have Visuals that are programmed especially for every Track... Very minimalistic, but cool! (See the Youtube Video - Strohm)