Christian Schantz & Blauer Montag
DE Berlin – Indie / Alternative / New Wave / Alternative Pop / Blues / Singer/Songwriter / Indiepop / Pop / Funk / Rock / Alternative Rock / Punkrock / Cover / Alternative Funk / Alternative Punk / Deutsche Texte
Christian Schantz & Blauer Montag


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Blauer Montag is naive pleasure of live played music that is newly created each time 3 people merge into one sound.

We call our music AlteDeutscheWelle (OldGermanWave) – an echo of NeueDeutscheWelle (NewGermanWave) the style that was dominating the first half of the eighties in Germany. The AlteDeutscheWelle is stripped away from all unnecessary parts. It sounds raw, without frills direct and absorbs elements of rock, pop, wave, funk, punk and blues. No midi, click or sampler used!
We play mostly original songs with german lyrics that deal with the weird- and craziness of our economised and globalized daily life. The songs tell stories about acceleration and deceleration, the longing for an arab spring in Germany, the god of small things, understanding Putin, raising kids in big cities or the legacy of September 11.
We also play a couple of german coverversions from Fehlfarben, Trio to Reinhard May. And somehow also a Tom Waits cover crept into our program.

Blauer Montag ist naive Freude an live gespielter Musik, die immer wieder neu entsteht, wenn 3 Leute zu einem Sound verschmelzen.
Blauer Montag sind Songs mit deutschen Texten, die den ganz normalen Wahnsinn unseres ökonomisierten und globalisierten Alltags widerspiegeln und ein paar Coverversionen von Fehlfarben über Tom Waits bis Reinhard May.
Die AlteDeutscheWelle wirft allen überflüssigen Ballast über Bord und stammt von der Neuen ab. Sie klingt schnörkellos direkt, rockig bis funkig/punkig. No midi, click or sampler used!


Q & A for promoters outside the US and the UK:

Q: Why should I book a band that sings in german outside a german speaking country?
A: The whole international music scene is flooded and determined long enough with music out of the US and the UK, just like as the international financial system is still ruled mainly by the too big to fail banks of these countries.
With every original band you're booking that sings not in english you are setting a sign against this supremacy.
And if that's not enough – we are just a damn good life band.

Q & A for promoters in the US and the UK:

Q: Why should I book a band that sings in german outside a german speaking country?
A: Also when we dislike the imperialistic politics of the US and the UK we love the music that comes from these countries. All the 3 of us studied music in the US and we share a common sense where the music comes from and how to play it.
We don't just repeat what we rehearsed, we recreate our music everytime we perform.
We have always some space for improv in our live-sets so our gigs stay exciting.