Bad Notion
SI Ljubljana – Blues Rock / Blues / Hard Rock / Funk / Jam Band
Bad Notion


Live Setup

Unplugged No
Cover band No
Members 3
Fan Base
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Gig History
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Label / Release Type Year
Edit-artist-releases-release-placeholder Brewing My Storm Single 2015
No Agency
No Management
Press Text
"Bad Notion is a power trio, that is quickly becoming known as one of the best blues rock funk acts in Slovenia.

What makes their performances memorable is the ability to play soulful, funky and hard hitting blues that will rock the crowd as well as satisfy the music enthusiasts.
From small to big and everything in between this hidden gem is leaving their mark in venues all across the country.

The band consists of Grega Smola Crnkovič on guitar and vocals, Rok Skoliber on drums and Žiga Korenčič on bass.Their influences include Jimi Hendrix, Gov't Mule, Jeff Beck, Michael Landau, Led Zeppelin, Robben Ford, Santana and countless others. Currently the band is brewing their debut EP, which will take over your senses by storm in fall 2018."

"Bad Notion je energični glasbeni trio, ki se nezadržno uveljavlja kot ena najbolj privlačnih blues-rock atrakcij v Sloveniji. Navdušujoča posebnost njihovih nastopov so globoko vživeti blues toni, ki jih okusno kombinirajo z lahkotnostjo funk-a po eni in težo trdega rocka po drugi strani. Nastajajoča zmes redno navdušuje široko občinstvo, ravnodušnih pa ne pusti niti najzahtevnejših glasbenih sladokuscev.
Naj gre za intimo majhnega odra, spektakel velikega koncerta, ali kaj vmes, z energičnim in neutrudnim nastopom pustijo Bad Notion edinstven pečat kjerkoli že se pojavijo.

Zasedbo sestavljajo Grega Smola Crnković (kitara in vokal), Rok Skoliber (bobni) in Žiga Korenčič (bas kitara). Med glasbene vplive prištevajo velikane, kot so Jimi Hendrix, Gov't Mule, Jeff Beck, Michael Landau, Led Zeppelin, Robben Ford, Santana in še številne druge... Svoj glasbeni prvenec bodo širšemu občinstvu predstavili jeseni 2018."